About NeoCarbons & Our Photo Bioreactor

Our Pupose About Photo Bioreactor

Decarbonated 2030's: Our Unique Contribution

We consider CO2 to be the raw material of the 21st century.

However, technologies to recycle it into valuable bio and green chemicals currently fall short of being productive and competitive.

This is why we have designed and validated our equipment: high productivity to serve buoyant demand, low cost for being competitive against fossil based value chains, and constant quality not influenced by weather and/or localization.

Harnessing microalgae grown in our fully controlled photobioreactors for bio and green chemicals production presents a comparatively net negative CO2 balance with minimal environmental impact.

Neocarbons equipment enables microalgae to unleash their full potential as a key supply chain for  alternative proteins, green and bio chemicals. 

photo bioreactor

Jean-Louis Roux Dit Buisson

Founder & CEO

Meet Our CEO

Jean-Louis has 25 years of experience in developing and growing technology based companies covering  materials and processes and health care industries.

He has held responsibilities as CEO, M&A, Finance, Marketing, Sales, R&D management and Production in large groups, start-ups and SMEs.

He holds an MBA from Insead, an MSc in Chemical Engineering from MIT and an Engineering degree from ENSCP Paris-Tech.

Our Certifications

European & US Patent Office

US & EU Patent

ZHAW university logo

ZHAW - Industrial Micro algae Processes

Swiss Innovation challenge logo

Swiss Innovation Challenge

Swiss climate foundation logo

Swiss Climate Foundation

Recognition Support & Traction

You Need To Decarbonate?

You are an industrial company looking for a partnership to decarbonate entrants, processes and/or end-products, an investor motivated by the climate & food transitions, a laboratory or a start-up in this industry?